new year's resolutions 20060101
Let's shed the 2005 skin and start 2006 on a brand new slate. I'm penning down my new year's resolutions for my own referrals.
1. Gear in for a hell-bound ride to A' Levels. I heavenly hope to get 3B's at the very least. Obviously wishing for better. But for now tt will do. Oh God, u will have to see the immense effort im gonna put in for tis one. Never-before-seen -footage. No worries, ur creation here is not threatening you. She noes her limits.
2. Pray more fervently. The Tsunami disaster on the 26th of dec 2004 which happened on an unprecedented scale has taught me to be a better person. Every moment is a moment closer to death(k im not turnin morbid here just more wary). So before its too late, i want my sins to be atoned for. and be closer to God in any means possible. pls dont laugh ur balls out. hah. im dead serious.
3. Bank in on loose change every day. I hate the feeling of being demotivated by empty pockets whenevr the need arises. Thanks to my extravagant spending when it comes to wardrobe fix. That will have to wait for now. I need money for a new phone and an mp3. Preferably an ipod but i dont want to wish too soon. haha. It cost a bomb. To save up might cost me a lifetime.
4. Never be selfish. Thanks a kerzillion to my darling dad, I didnt have to go on a strike for this new comp after listening to a whole list of why- i- need -the- comp.He's so thoughtful..niwae arent dads suppose to be?? haha. I've began to realise how i always want things my way in the house tt it affect other ppl adversely especially my parents. So much so tt im the influential body in the house. I like all the attention but i feel they are giving me too much tt im depriving others of it. I feel guilty. I am guilty of an unseen crime.
5. Get a new haircut. This retro hairdo of mine is killing me!!
6. Stay healthy. I wanna be toned up. I look too straight, literally. Something need to b done. Like push-ups, sit-ups n morning jogs on weekends. Somewhere there.
7. Last but not least, pls in heaven's name budge your fingers from the comp and get crackin. It's time for ur beck n call. PLS DO UR ASSIGNMENTS AND TUTORIALS!!
8. Stop talkin to myself. haha. Nah i dont do tis kind of thing all the tyme.
Let's shed the 2005 skin and start 2006 on a brand new slate. I'm penning down my new year's resolutions for my own referrals.
1. Gear in for a hell-bound ride to A' Levels. I heavenly hope to get 3B's at the very least. Obviously wishing for better. But for now tt will do. Oh God, u will have to see the immense effort im gonna put in for tis one. Never-before-seen -footage. No worries, ur creation here is not threatening you. She noes her limits.
2. Pray more fervently. The Tsunami disaster on the 26th of dec 2004 which happened on an unprecedented scale has taught me to be a better person. Every moment is a moment closer to death(k im not turnin morbid here just more wary). So before its too late, i want my sins to be atoned for. and be closer to God in any means possible. pls dont laugh ur balls out. hah. im dead serious.
3. Bank in on loose change every day. I hate the feeling of being demotivated by empty pockets whenevr the need arises. Thanks to my extravagant spending when it comes to wardrobe fix. That will have to wait for now. I need money for a new phone and an mp3. Preferably an ipod but i dont want to wish too soon. haha. It cost a bomb. To save up might cost me a lifetime.
4. Never be selfish. Thanks a kerzillion to my darling dad, I didnt have to go on a strike for this new comp after listening to a whole list of why- i- need -the- comp.He's so thoughtful..niwae arent dads suppose to be?? haha. I've began to realise how i always want things my way in the house tt it affect other ppl adversely especially my parents. So much so tt im the influential body in the house. I like all the attention but i feel they are giving me too much tt im depriving others of it. I feel guilty. I am guilty of an unseen crime.
5. Get a new haircut. This retro hairdo of mine is killing me!!
6. Stay healthy. I wanna be toned up. I look too straight, literally. Something need to b done. Like push-ups, sit-ups n morning jogs on weekends. Somewhere there.
7. Last but not least, pls in heaven's name budge your fingers from the comp and get crackin. It's time for ur beck n call. PLS DO UR ASSIGNMENTS AND TUTORIALS!!
8. Stop talkin to myself. haha. Nah i dont do tis kind of thing all the tyme.
By post:
after a pretty long hiatus
in lieu of my blog
By month:
July 2005
August 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
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May 2009
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger
shes wishing she could just be those sliver of stars that will embrace the skies and shine the dulls of the night
shes wishing she could obliterate the memories bad and fugly
shes wishing she could be the one to throw the universe off kilter
shes wishing she could be the lover that drank every word and gesture and hold on to intensity long enuff
 Adopted Trees.