sum tings just dont fail to amuse me 20060220
weehoo!!! 2dae is such a nice dae for me!! it has not been a very blue overcast monday afterall!!
my mum just talked to me..tts one.. after a few days of being on cold shoulder with her..haha.. azri u noe wat im talkin abt..(his name was deliberately inserted at such an anti-climatic juncture since he insisted to) haha..
n todae my dear darling founder of mugger's club, Kristy, has done it again!!! hahahah....she had been a saviour of the moment for the fate of a 2 dollar note which was pasted pathetically with blutac on one of the pillars in the school...
tis is for the guys who dared anyone to take up the challenge..
it had proved no feat for Kristy bcoz considering the height at which the note was placed was like i saed pathetically pretty low..hahah...such an insult to ppl of kristy's height...
but she so deserves an applaud for her bravery to brace the parapets leading to the pillar.. if ur thinking its the parapets just outside the windows its so not ok.. the parapets are small enough for a feet and there are 4 of them encircled facing openly into the 2nd storey..which is so to sae she was literally in mid-air while doing it...hhah..(she wore shorts btw)
n thanx to her..all 4 of us are gonna get a ribena treat!!! yay!!
n if ur wondering why those guys even do what they did..haahh...its just for the pure entertainment of us jc peeps who are deprived of proper fascination and trying to amuse ourselves within those 4 boundaries...lolx..
thanx u guys!! it was fun!! hahha..really... i tink u guys gotta try harder for the 10 bucks one.. u wouldnt want ur challenge to be captured for a bare min on video cam bcoz it isnt daunting enuff...(evil grin)
by any chance, these guys' generosity ought to be lauded as well. they are on their mission for a 10 bucks one so if any of u are up for an adventure flock down to PJC...waakkakaaka...
hmm...niwae azri ..sincerity in all sense of the word means to give without expecting anything in return....hahhaha....sorrie i am just being the irritating me yet again..
n yeah a black cat just crossed my path on the way home..ouhh no.. its nt tt i believe in all those age-old myths but his eyes were scary..they were an irisdiscent yellow n those eyeballs were literally glaring right at me which made stop in my tracks..i tot it was about to pounce for me..
hmm ive alwaes been so fond of black cats but not tis one..heh..
hmmm i'll just devote my bitching session in its whole entirety in another entry instead..sum other tyme it shall be.. im darn tired...i need a nap for now.. so looooong...
weehoo!!! 2dae is such a nice dae for me!! it has not been a very blue overcast monday afterall!!
my mum just talked to me..tts one.. after a few days of being on cold shoulder with her..haha.. azri u noe wat im talkin abt..(his name was deliberately inserted at such an anti-climatic juncture since he insisted to) haha..
n todae my dear darling founder of mugger's club, Kristy, has done it again!!! hahahah....she had been a saviour of the moment for the fate of a 2 dollar note which was pasted pathetically with blutac on one of the pillars in the school...
tis is for the guys who dared anyone to take up the challenge..
it had proved no feat for Kristy bcoz considering the height at which the note was placed was like i saed pathetically pretty low..hahah...such an insult to ppl of kristy's height...
but she so deserves an applaud for her bravery to brace the parapets leading to the pillar.. if ur thinking its the parapets just outside the windows its so not ok.. the parapets are small enough for a feet and there are 4 of them encircled facing openly into the 2nd storey..which is so to sae she was literally in mid-air while doing it...hhah..(she wore shorts btw)
n thanx to her..all 4 of us are gonna get a ribena treat!!! yay!!
n if ur wondering why those guys even do what they did..haahh...its just for the pure entertainment of us jc peeps who are deprived of proper fascination and trying to amuse ourselves within those 4 boundaries...lolx..
thanx u guys!! it was fun!! hahha..really... i tink u guys gotta try harder for the 10 bucks one.. u wouldnt want ur challenge to be captured for a bare min on video cam bcoz it isnt daunting enuff...(evil grin)
by any chance, these guys' generosity ought to be lauded as well. they are on their mission for a 10 bucks one so if any of u are up for an adventure flock down to PJC...waakkakaaka...
hmm...niwae azri ..sincerity in all sense of the word means to give without expecting anything in return....hahhaha....sorrie i am just being the irritating me yet again..
n yeah a black cat just crossed my path on the way home..ouhh no.. its nt tt i believe in all those age-old myths but his eyes were scary..they were an irisdiscent yellow n those eyeballs were literally glaring right at me which made stop in my tracks..i tot it was about to pounce for me..
hmm ive alwaes been so fond of black cats but not tis one..heh..
hmmm i'll just devote my bitching session in its whole entirety in another entry instead..sum other tyme it shall be.. im darn tired...i need a nap for now.. so looooong...
By post:
its an irony ppl dun take notice of what happened ...
had yu-sheng in skool todae. very thoughtful of u ...
updates:went zouk flea market with lynn, fiza and ...
my life has just begun..at a certain phase or junc...
what are friends for? especially when u have a mus...
comic strips
bitchy mode back frm hiatus
tis will not be the usual darn lengthy entry. gonn...
my world is as forbidden as it is fragile; without...
went thru my usual ritual of waking up when my mum...
By month:
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Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger
shes wishing she could just be those sliver of stars that will embrace the skies and shine the dulls of the night
shes wishing she could obliterate the memories bad and fugly
shes wishing she could be the one to throw the universe off kilter
shes wishing she could be the lover that drank every word and gesture and hold on to intensity long enuff
 Adopted Trees.