Ouh no..is tis how banal my life's gonna be for the next friggin 10 mths?? i feel as though im living in an ephemeral transition, waiting to transcend to somewhere alienated frm the sane. my insanity level is just hot on its heels. My life seemed to have lapsed again into the utter passivity of a staring child. Ppl-who-worship-competition-like-theres-no-tomorrow are driving me to the brink of temporary dementia.
They even have to make special appearances in my sleep-yanking their phenomenal a level certs straight in my face. I swear im gonna sleep with a decapitated barbie doll the next time you guys attempt to disrupt my pleasantries. That will scare the shit out of you and to learn to never be the culprits again. That doll is so gonna stare you hard and make sure you guys are obliterated from my every living brain cells. Bwahaha..heed that..
Its worse enuff gettin a new principal with a 3-dimensional attitude about success. Socks have to be higher than the ankles?? Are u tryin to immerse some harajuku attributes into our school?? i hope not. ive nvr been too pleased with harajukus. Double whammy.
Its barely a full week and im having tis fenced-in feeling within me. I feel enclosed in my own space. I feel so intimidated. Should tis feeling persist i duno n i will nvr noe until i get my confidence back. until i wholly own it once again and its rightfully mine. i tink im losing every bit of my brain content like every other day. Swim-alone-or-sink- circumstances are supposed to hunker me down to work but its proving the reverse. im probably jaded. maybe tt wraps it all. The worst part of it all is tis is inevitable until i rest my bum on the hot chair for a levels. That will be my glorious moment. Ever.
Ouh no..is tis how banal my life's gonna be for the next friggin 10 mths?? i feel as though im living in an ephemeral transition, waiting to transcend to somewhere alienated frm the sane. my insanity level is just hot on its heels. My life seemed to have lapsed again into the utter passivity of a staring child. Ppl-who-worship-competition-like-theres-no-tomorrow are driving me to the brink of temporary dementia.
They even have to make special appearances in my sleep-yanking their phenomenal a level certs straight in my face. I swear im gonna sleep with a decapitated barbie doll the next time you guys attempt to disrupt my pleasantries. That will scare the shit out of you and to learn to never be the culprits again. That doll is so gonna stare you hard and make sure you guys are obliterated from my every living brain cells. Bwahaha..heed that..
Its worse enuff gettin a new principal with a 3-dimensional attitude about success. Socks have to be higher than the ankles?? Are u tryin to immerse some harajuku attributes into our school?? i hope not. ive nvr been too pleased with harajukus. Double whammy.
Its barely a full week and im having tis fenced-in feeling within me. I feel enclosed in my own space. I feel so intimidated. Should tis feeling persist i duno n i will nvr noe until i get my confidence back. until i wholly own it once again and its rightfully mine. i tink im losing every bit of my brain content like every other day. Swim-alone-or-sink- circumstances are supposed to hunker me down to work but its proving the reverse. im probably jaded. maybe tt wraps it all. The worst part of it all is tis is inevitable until i rest my bum on the hot chair for a levels. That will be my glorious moment. Ever.
By post:
rabbits vs dragons
new year's resolutions
after a pretty long hiatus
in lieu of my blog
By month:
July 2005
August 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
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Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger
shes wishing she could just be those sliver of stars that will embrace the skies and shine the dulls of the night
shes wishing she could obliterate the memories bad and fugly
shes wishing she could be the one to throw the universe off kilter
shes wishing she could be the lover that drank every word and gesture and hold on to intensity long enuff
 Adopted Trees.