recuperating from my blog lag 20090513
once again, i have to feign coming out unscathed.
i dun deserve tis u noe. i absolutely dun.
at the very least u could have given me a notice but i guess u remained myopic to the kind of vested interest i have bt tis whole friendship.
im sorry man, ive tried to not betray any inner feelings but i just couldnt. my brains cant keep up with my feelings that fast.
ive grown sick and tired of sick and tired people.
so i shall rest my case.
moving on, life's been keeping me up and about.
camping, volunteering, tutoring, pubbing & what nots have been my modus operandi this whole wk and will be for the next few.
ooh and ive been learning how to fake lomo pictures & create pop art :P
not really as good as hapissed's but oh well efforts always go a looong way...
shuddup hapissed.
heh, u shud be proud im ur protege.
tis is especially for ya hapissed.
nyahahahaha, for comparison purposes, i'll put up a before and after okkayyy!
aku sebat jer aper gambar aku leh ambek so maybe tts why sum of them dun turn out as good cos like u said the original must be of good quality also right??...there ive learned so much :P
I MISSS YOU KRISTY!!! Your prezzie will be on the way soon enuff! hold on right there!
Tis next one is for you from my fav indonesian band. its in eng dun worry :_P
Theres tis one as well. This is super cute.. lolol
and tis one too..my favorite!
her mane sure is in the pink of health.
mann, i want the vocalist's hair!! gosh.
once again, i have to feign coming out unscathed.
i dun deserve tis u noe. i absolutely dun.
at the very least u could have given me a notice but i guess u remained myopic to the kind of vested interest i have bt tis whole friendship.
im sorry man, ive tried to not betray any inner feelings but i just couldnt. my brains cant keep up with my feelings that fast.
ive grown sick and tired of sick and tired people.
so i shall rest my case.
moving on, life's been keeping me up and about.
camping, volunteering, tutoring, pubbing & what nots have been my modus operandi this whole wk and will be for the next few.
ooh and ive been learning how to fake lomo pictures & create pop art :P
not really as good as hapissed's but oh well efforts always go a looong way...
shuddup hapissed.
heh, u shud be proud im ur protege.
tis is especially for ya hapissed.
nyahahahaha, for comparison purposes, i'll put up a before and after okkayyy!
aku sebat jer aper gambar aku leh ambek so maybe tts why sum of them dun turn out as good cos like u said the original must be of good quality also right??...there ive learned so much :P
I MISSS YOU KRISTY!!! Your prezzie will be on the way soon enuff! hold on right there!
Tis next one is for you from my fav indonesian band. its in eng dun worry :_P
Theres tis one as well. This is super cute.. lolol
and tis one too..my favorite!
her mane sure is in the pink of health.
mann, i want the vocalist's hair!! gosh.
By post:
hope i'll still be sane once upon the slivers of s...
when unlike poles repel and mr maslow was all wrong
close your mouth mr hippotamus
buying youth?
here comes nothing.first SHIT : I MISSED LIFEHOUSE...
at this juncture, im young no more.my oh my, what ...
oooh...my blog's getting too wordy. i think i shou...
How much longer do i have to wait for greater thin...
Ive been on the longest hiatus tt i think i should...
drum roll drum roll...im strategising for a whoopi...
By month:
July 2005
August 2005
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February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
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May 2009
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger
shes wishing she could just be those sliver of stars that will embrace the skies and shine the dulls of the night
shes wishing she could obliterate the memories bad and fugly
shes wishing she could be the one to throw the universe off kilter
shes wishing she could be the lover that drank every word and gesture and hold on to intensity long enuff
 Adopted Trees.