bitchy mode back frm hiatus 20060126
in this blog, all the characters involved are intentionally made anonymous except me of course.
Let me tell u guys something. i hate being a bitch. not even for a moment or so. its not something for me to uphold wat more my life principle to live by. its not something that i can lift up my head with. but once somebody do the honors of switching the mode on, i gotta do what i gotta do, baby.
as far as possible i'll try to make this bitching prologue as political and less discreet.
ok first and foremost im not a hullabaloo like how most bitches are. or like whom i presume as bitches. bcoz nowadays bitches can take many forms and lie in many separate categories. they can mutilate from something so mild and surprise you with their viability to regurgitate watevr profanities she manage to contain.
ouhhh no im so disappointed with Jayla(American's Next Top Model). shes too adorable and all sweet to even fall in either of these categories. what worse was she proved herself dumb. dumb jet black.
ok tts not the point here.
the point is my dear bitch, u cant expect me to weave in the flow into ur matriarchs of the loud and uproar. im not an attention seeker like you, thats for sure. i have basic courtesy, mind you. im not being childish in case u read this and u tink its you.
its just that no matter what u do u'll always have to come to the basics. like telling ppl off nicely or at the very least just tell me, damn it, that u want that holy 100 pgs or so article. rather than hit me and snatch it from me. i noe tt i cant possibly translate the words but my brain is till picture-absorbent. i can still tell the difference btw a picture and another picture. its not even mine i noe. i noe tt all too well. its not that, that im pissed about but its just the fact that the place im in roofs you and ur every single vein just irritates me. i noe tis is very minor but its just you doing it that irks me. so the statement is clear here, I HATE YOU.
i just hate it when ppl just dont noe their basic manners. thanks to extravagant publicity. maybe tt has made you to think tt the way of seeking ppl's attention is by hitting and snatching and wailing at my fragile ears.
i can just feel my ears crumbling whenevr ur words greet my ears. ur sound frequency is just too high and all ya-ya. my ears are fragile u see.
i hate it when these ppl noe that they should stop but they just couldnt bcoz they think they are doing great tyme. ouhh yeah man, u are.
for now i shall remain a hypocrite.
tis will not be the usual darn lengthy entry. gonna keep tis random and simple. just the normal grouses of jc life.
homework piling and my neurones are starting to get racy and chasing after one another trying to keep up with the intense environment im in.
those neurones are gonna tire themselves out without any warming up. they are like any other cells which need warming up before carrying out bodily functions.
my eyes love to give away themselves at times when immense amount of concentration is essentially needed. eye muscles start to relax too much and there i go. sleep.
jc kids barely get the luxury of 8 hrs of sleep. to hit that mark just fuels guilty speculations. n u start asking urself if ur full 8hrs of sleep could have been utilised for studying n hwks instead. so we end up with half of that most of the time.
n now the only vivid image captured by my neurones are just the various halls of NUS. hhahaha.
my world is as forbidden as it is fragile; without its mysteries, it cannot survive.
My thirst for a good show for tis month prolonged until today. i quenched tt thirst at 3.45 pm today with ling su and mich.
no other movies so far have triggered in me a sense of gratification like this. it didnt fall short of my expectations of it to be a realistic documentation of a geisha's life. it stays true to the book (according to those who have read it). niwae shasha, im not gonna be done with the book any sooner so if ure patient enuff to wait good for ya. haha. all i have to say im a slow poke in my own right, too bad.
it is an intoxicating and riveting portrayal of the hidden world. the life of geishas are well-translated. where love is scorned as illusion and trust is no longer a sanctuary for them to behold. it is a world of deceit and facade where beauty is prime but beneath it all lies jealousy. the okiyas (teahouses) are like the embodiment of jeopardy where geishas become each other's subject of detest to get to the pinnacle.
on the whole, Gong Li should be lauded for living up to the character of Hatsumomo in a very evil panache. Shes my favourite actress in the movie by far.
Memoirs of a geisha deserves the credits. its the kind of movie that is of high-sounding quality on its own without having to be further beefed up by the well-acclaimed novel. the novel is obviously a must read.
to my disbelief, the da vinci code wasnt as enthralling as how the novel captures it to be upon seeing the trailer before movie starts. i expected a more dark and foreboding movie but it turned out to be rather cocky. for some reason the trailer looked like a scavenger hunt with a guy in a black cape, a priest n some other ppl running in the background.
life paces itself way too fast that ppl have to change so much to adapt. maybe this explains the changing cycles of inter-dependence. sounds selfish at most times.
went thru my usual ritual of waking up when my mum starts to scream at her uttermost loudest tone. did some homework to absolve my own guilty conscience. i dont want the whole cycle of disappointed glances to reccur like wat happened on fri.
haha.my maths teacher was showing her usual subtle disgruntled look which dont even pass off as browbeat.haha. shes so cute. she looks so helpless. ok fine. we three are her viable problematic students in her eyes. we didnt do her maths homework and she went on asking as to whether we know the meaning of "HOMEWORK". HAHHA.
of course we know. im sure she noes the meaning of "BIO SPA" too. hahha. k we are just cooking up age-old excuses.
the funniest part was when i even mastered the art of stoning when she was actually deploying a somewhat diplomatic remark to get us to do our hwk during the weekends.
"Gerls behind, i hope u noe the meaning of homework". n i stoned while staring at her ever so sweet face. n she looked back at me. for a countable no. of seconds before she looked down. n i looked down. i just stoned.
hahah. the other 2 girls just giggled away. we were supposed to be guilty. supposed to. but she was just so tamed n sweet for us to even start being volatile.
k i tried fiddling around with the html tags for my mp3 but it still aint working. im irritated so i settled down for the mp3 to play on an external player.
so enjoy.
its on my intro page. theres a link to it. n once u come to the hosted page, to keep the song playing.. right-click to choose to play on the real-player. it may take a while for the song to download. if u dont like to listen to the song then dont bother. :)
cheer up my dear fren 20060121
met up with my laughing goofball yesterdae. u noe wat dear, just dump him for good. serious. If hes such a thorn in ur delicate flesh or a stubborn thrombosis in ur crimson blood, just forget him. it will not be of ur loss. Ure entitled to ur own decisions. Theres nothing wrong with dumping someone who have no qualms at all bout lying and yet glues himself to u like a sludge. Hes no better than a moron. no better than a pimp.
Give no place in ur heart for the likes of him. for such putridity, filth. He doesnt noe how to appreciate the greatest side of you.
U'll always be my saccharine sweet friend. I'll be there whenevr u need me as ur listening ear, ur food eater, ur laughing goofball and most of all ur darling friend.

cant wait to watch Memoirs of a Geisha tis coming mon!!! Weeehhhooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Gerls!! Remember to bring ur moolahs!!! n ling su remember to bring more money for pencil case shoppin!!
I sit here clutching useless lists I crack my teeth on pearls I tear into the history Show me what it means to me in this world Yeah in this world' Cause I am due for a miracle I'm waiting for a sign I'll stare straight into the sun And I won't close my eyes Till I understand or go blind I see the parts but not the whole I study saints and scholars both No perfect plan unfurls Do I trust my heart or just my mind Why is truth so hard to find in this world Yeah in this world' Cause I am due for a miracle I'm waiting for a sign I'll stare straight into the sun And I won't close my eyes Till I understand or go blind (till I understand or go blind) I know that there's a point I've missed A shrine or stone I haven't kissed A scar that never graced my wrist A mirror that hasn't met my fist But I can't help feeling like I'm Due for a miracle I'm waiting for a sign (waiting for a sign) I'll stare straight into the sun And I won't close my eyes (and I won't close my eyes) Due for a miracle I'm waiting for a sign I'll stare straight into the sun And I won't close my eyes thrice- stare at the sun
Sometimes you are torn between the truth and lies, tt u cannot help thinking that miracles are all that uve got.
forlorn hopes 20060114
yesterday: it was a shocking revelation to noe tt i had an uncle with leprosy. All this while i tot that i had only those uncles whom ive acknowledged, laughed, cried and ignored. I never knew that he existed once in my life. Even then it was a short-lived existence.
he ever came to my grandma's house for a short visit. that was what my mum pointed out. i didnt even realise he actually came.
tts not the bottomline.
my mum was flipping the channels when she came across my uncle in tv1..a malaysian channel. it was featuring about the lives of those in the rehabilitation ctr for leprosy ppl. I was so in disbelief.
he mentioned something abt not wanting to trouble his family and tts why he chose to stay there despite of his recovery. in a matter of seconds my mum broke down to tears. haish..
i joined in. it was even sadder to noe tt hes not married. hes looking great in his mids.
now hes working there as he has no family of his own and found it pointless to come back for a family reunion. like he saed he didnt want to trouble the family.
this time my mum was shedding even more tears. She misses her brother. very much.
it was even painful to noe how long he had to put up in that rehabilitation ctr for yrs without any contact with the outside world or just simple gestures like hi or have u eaten frm other beings aside those in the ctr.
hours move to minutes, n ur seconds away, trying to avoid, n theres no doubt theres one thing i can do nothing at all.
all that are just distractions, im tired enough, retrace the steps as if we forgot, just ask the questions, pls say ure ok, n not falling frm grace.
reach out to be reached for, n there u lay forlorn, trying to avoid, the every truth, the every lies, tt life ushers.
seeking solace, in every turn, in every bend, only to come round, to where u began.
my emotional qoutient ranks highly of itself.
i cant stand Mr "cultured" Humpty-Dumpty nimore. He's got a bad humour and yet he tinks hes outrageously hilarious. Whatmore,he seems to revel in on all the supportive rolls of laughter everytime he turned into a roaring ball of joy which seemed to amuse a lot of ppl. Hurhur, how delightful. It is so annoying when he thinks tt his sarcasm and jokes are strikingly congenial. Heh. His jokes are in simple terms, LAME.
He has this very outlandish laughter, one tt seems to be reverberating from the stomach and this queer habit of brushing the bridge of his nose with his index finger. Its distracting. He takes a dig on Pulau Ubin as tho its London, not tt theres aniting to sae abt tis island at all. All i noe his favourite island of Pulau Ubin is a striking resemblance of his bald head.
He always brings us aboard to trips there while we 3 musketeers are still in our sub-conscious minds. Hes so utterly bothered by the underlying fact tt Lavender mrt stn is at Kallang and Kallang mrt stn is at Geylang. Afterwhich, he will take us on a rebound trip to another favourite island of his, the Jurong Industrial Island.
And then he will attempt to launch his probe into ppl's income taxes to prove his point on poverty.
How astonishingly prolific my GP lessons are going to be if this prolong. My GP grades are going to improve by leaps and bounds. Until now, hes still going on strong with his compre passage on city planning. after 2 weeks and 2 lessons in a wk. Until this mon.
I seriously feel tt he ever aspired to be an architect. But he was too cocky to be one. maybe tts why. niwae wat does city planning gotta do with poverty? or maybe hes still stuck in a jet lag back frm London. thinking the big clock on Trafalgar Square will stand still during his lessons. tt tentative test of urs is not gonna bring us all far. Ure wasting big time. Big time. as big as the clock on Trafalgar Square. as fast as all the watches in Switzerland ticks.
sometimes it doesnt take much to amuse. just by being jiggly and all fair, tt will do.
aww shes half my age now..piece of advice, relish watevr u have now before ur in the throes of adulthood. life seriously is a roller coaster ride dear..it is a fast dizzying game, its a parachute jump, its abt taking chanecs, falling over and getting up again, its mountaineering, its wanting to get to the very top of urself and to feel angry and dissatisfied when u dun manage it.
not to say tt im tt experienced myself nut what ive gone thru so far would be of use to u along the way.
then u will noe why ur darling sis here have to always scream at the top of her lungs to get u movin. it has always been for a good reason. I'll always pray for ur best.
im done with tt.
kae...celebrated my 3rd sis birthday todae. only one of the many friends she invited came. Thanks Yew Keong (pardon the spelling if its wrong)!! Thanks for the prezzie on my sis's behalf!! SHE LOVED IT!! haha
im still wonderin until now if ur really not of a mixed parentage or what...u look so malay dear..haha
kae my cute cousins came. their even cuter mothers (so as to sae my aunties) tag along. They broke the house down. literally. Gossip club at one end and play-dough playmates at the other. Watching the gossipers rambling on which seemed like eternity topped wit hand gestures and all and monkeys cooking up a ruckus drained us ya-yas out. So we settled with movie marathon. theres just too much happenings for more. haha.
Here are the pictures:
 yummy rummy tummy

started before my cousins came..they were too late
 my 4th sis joined in
 yew keong hazimah haziqah
 wiped out..bwahaha
 aww u guys were late for candle blowing
 evolution with loopholes here n there
my aunties are too cute to be cam whores so they are not included.
Ouh no..is tis how banal my life's gonna be for the next friggin 10 mths?? i feel as though im living in an ephemeral transition, waiting to transcend to somewhere alienated frm the sane. my insanity level is just hot on its heels. My life seemed to have lapsed again into the utter passivity of a staring child. Ppl-who-worship-competition-like-theres-no-tomorrow are driving me to the brink of temporary dementia.
They even have to make special appearances in my sleep-yanking their phenomenal a level certs straight in my face. I swear im gonna sleep with a decapitated barbie doll the next time you guys attempt to disrupt my pleasantries. That will scare the shit out of you and to learn to never be the culprits again. That doll is so gonna stare you hard and make sure you guys are obliterated from my every living brain cells. Bwahaha..heed that..
Its worse enuff gettin a new principal with a 3-dimensional attitude about success. Socks have to be higher than the ankles?? Are u tryin to immerse some harajuku attributes into our school?? i hope not. ive nvr been too pleased with harajukus. Double whammy.
Its barely a full week and im having tis fenced-in feeling within me. I feel enclosed in my own space. I feel so intimidated. Should tis feeling persist i duno n i will nvr noe until i get my confidence back. until i wholly own it once again and its rightfully mine. i tink im losing every bit of my brain content like every other day. Swim-alone-or-sink- circumstances are supposed to hunker me down to work but its proving the reverse. im probably jaded. maybe tt wraps it all. The worst part of it all is tis is inevitable until i rest my bum on the hot chair for a levels. That will be my glorious moment. Ever.
rabbits vs dragons 20060104
was on tenterhooks the whole morning thinkin of my appeal to s05..n finally i got it! A million thank-yous to MS LEE!! It was so nice of you to even help me appeal n got it without a word..
Or else i wouldnt noe wat would have become of me by the end of the day..stranded alone in a foreign dungeon brimming with "dragons" all waiting to gobble tis puny "rabbit".
But the situation in s05 wasnt any better either..haha..brimming with mugtoads.. They are seriously efficient switcheroos when it comes to work. One moment they were sniggering, giggling and laffing away..though most of the time i just dun get the things tt tickles them..but the next they would be shuffling their papers showing how they had actually completed their work. Just when you thot they were another bunch of slackers..how irritating is tt...feigning "coolness"..OMIGAWD
They are those with A's, B's or worse comes to worse mediocre C's already in their bags. No big deal since it's a value added class. They were even going abt their business (which is hwk in tis case) during recess. I almost freaked out. Its not a normal sight in pjc over the past few years. Haha probably tts why.
The most irritating part abt these ppl is their unscrupulous mugging..Seriously, theres no need for tt all..i tot it was childish. hah.
They are invariably scary to be precise. Here i am hell-bent for disaster, n i have to deal the sights of introverted mugheads.
Things aint the same anymore. J2 peeps left the school. I feel like i am fleeting throughout the school and not getting to see them during breaks feel so awkward. We retainees are all that's left of the rabbit year legacy in tt school..the three of us feel so void..like theres nothing to look forward to other than laffing among ourselves.hha
haish after a yr then only we feel the retribution of our own doings. It didnt feel so bad the yr b4 but now its like looming on our shoulders. All the work and ppl leaving the school is just too much to bear..
Thanks a lot fiqah for the call u made like just nw..i needed it to wake miself up to complete my hols assignments..hahha..(guilty confession) im nt using u, reallie..heh.. n oso for the freaky shrieks tt i lend my ears to..they really perked me up..so much better than caffeine peps. u really have a knack for this kind of tings arh..i'll need u rite b4 a levels!!
new year's resolutions 20060101
Let's shed the 2005 skin and start 2006 on a brand new slate. I'm penning down my new year's resolutions for my own referrals.
1. Gear in for a hell-bound ride to A' Levels. I heavenly hope to get 3B's at the very least. Obviously wishing for better. But for now tt will do. Oh God, u will have to see the immense effort im gonna put in for tis one. Never-before-seen -footage. No worries, ur creation here is not threatening you. She noes her limits.
2. Pray more fervently. The Tsunami disaster on the 26th of dec 2004 which happened on an unprecedented scale has taught me to be a better person. Every moment is a moment closer to death(k im not turnin morbid here just more wary). So before its too late, i want my sins to be atoned for. and be closer to God in any means possible. pls dont laugh ur balls out. hah. im dead serious.
3. Bank in on loose change every day. I hate the feeling of being demotivated by empty pockets whenevr the need arises. Thanks to my extravagant spending when it comes to wardrobe fix. That will have to wait for now. I need money for a new phone and an mp3. Preferably an ipod but i dont want to wish too soon. haha. It cost a bomb. To save up might cost me a lifetime.
4. Never be selfish. Thanks a kerzillion to my darling dad, I didnt have to go on a strike for this new comp after listening to a whole list of why- i- need -the- comp.He's so thoughtful..niwae arent dads suppose to be?? haha. I've began to realise how i always want things my way in the house tt it affect other ppl adversely especially my parents. So much so tt im the influential body in the house. I like all the attention but i feel they are giving me too much tt im depriving others of it. I feel guilty. I am guilty of an unseen crime.
5. Get a new haircut. This retro hairdo of mine is killing me!!
6. Stay healthy. I wanna be toned up. I look too straight, literally. Something need to b done. Like push-ups, sit-ups n morning jogs on weekends. Somewhere there.
7. Last but not least, pls in heaven's name budge your fingers from the comp and get crackin. It's time for ur beck n call. PLS DO UR ASSIGNMENTS AND TUTORIALS!!
8. Stop talkin to myself. haha. Nah i dont do tis kind of thing all the tyme.
in this blog, all the characters involved are intentionally made anonymous except me of course.
Let me tell u guys something. i hate being a bitch. not even for a moment or so. its not something for me to uphold wat more my life principle to live by. its not something that i can lift up my head with. but once somebody do the honors of switching the mode on, i gotta do what i gotta do, baby.
as far as possible i'll try to make this bitching prologue as political and less discreet.
ok first and foremost im not a hullabaloo like how most bitches are. or like whom i presume as bitches. bcoz nowadays bitches can take many forms and lie in many separate categories. they can mutilate from something so mild and surprise you with their viability to regurgitate watevr profanities she manage to contain.
ouhhh no im so disappointed with Jayla(American's Next Top Model). shes too adorable and all sweet to even fall in either of these categories. what worse was she proved herself dumb. dumb jet black.
ok tts not the point here.
the point is my dear bitch, u cant expect me to weave in the flow into ur matriarchs of the loud and uproar. im not an attention seeker like you, thats for sure. i have basic courtesy, mind you. im not being childish in case u read this and u tink its you.
its just that no matter what u do u'll always have to come to the basics. like telling ppl off nicely or at the very least just tell me, damn it, that u want that holy 100 pgs or so article. rather than hit me and snatch it from me. i noe tt i cant possibly translate the words but my brain is till picture-absorbent. i can still tell the difference btw a picture and another picture. its not even mine i noe. i noe tt all too well. its not that, that im pissed about but its just the fact that the place im in roofs you and ur every single vein just irritates me. i noe tis is very minor but its just you doing it that irks me. so the statement is clear here, I HATE YOU.
i just hate it when ppl just dont noe their basic manners. thanks to extravagant publicity. maybe tt has made you to think tt the way of seeking ppl's attention is by hitting and snatching and wailing at my fragile ears.
i can just feel my ears crumbling whenevr ur words greet my ears. ur sound frequency is just too high and all ya-ya. my ears are fragile u see.
i hate it when these ppl noe that they should stop but they just couldnt bcoz they think they are doing great tyme. ouhh yeah man, u are.
for now i shall remain a hypocrite.
tis will not be the usual darn lengthy entry. gonna keep tis random and simple. just the normal grouses of jc life.
homework piling and my neurones are starting to get racy and chasing after one another trying to keep up with the intense environment im in.
those neurones are gonna tire themselves out without any warming up. they are like any other cells which need warming up before carrying out bodily functions.
my eyes love to give away themselves at times when immense amount of concentration is essentially needed. eye muscles start to relax too much and there i go. sleep.
jc kids barely get the luxury of 8 hrs of sleep. to hit that mark just fuels guilty speculations. n u start asking urself if ur full 8hrs of sleep could have been utilised for studying n hwks instead. so we end up with half of that most of the time.
n now the only vivid image captured by my neurones are just the various halls of NUS. hhahaha.
my world is as forbidden as it is fragile; without its mysteries, it cannot survive.
My thirst for a good show for tis month prolonged until today. i quenched tt thirst at 3.45 pm today with ling su and mich.
no other movies so far have triggered in me a sense of gratification like this. it didnt fall short of my expectations of it to be a realistic documentation of a geisha's life. it stays true to the book (according to those who have read it). niwae shasha, im not gonna be done with the book any sooner so if ure patient enuff to wait good for ya. haha. all i have to say im a slow poke in my own right, too bad.
it is an intoxicating and riveting portrayal of the hidden world. the life of geishas are well-translated. where love is scorned as illusion and trust is no longer a sanctuary for them to behold. it is a world of deceit and facade where beauty is prime but beneath it all lies jealousy. the okiyas (teahouses) are like the embodiment of jeopardy where geishas become each other's subject of detest to get to the pinnacle.
on the whole, Gong Li should be lauded for living up to the character of Hatsumomo in a very evil panache. Shes my favourite actress in the movie by far.
Memoirs of a geisha deserves the credits. its the kind of movie that is of high-sounding quality on its own without having to be further beefed up by the well-acclaimed novel. the novel is obviously a must read.
to my disbelief, the da vinci code wasnt as enthralling as how the novel captures it to be upon seeing the trailer before movie starts. i expected a more dark and foreboding movie but it turned out to be rather cocky. for some reason the trailer looked like a scavenger hunt with a guy in a black cape, a priest n some other ppl running in the background.
life paces itself way too fast that ppl have to change so much to adapt. maybe this explains the changing cycles of inter-dependence. sounds selfish at most times.
went thru my usual ritual of waking up when my mum starts to scream at her uttermost loudest tone. did some homework to absolve my own guilty conscience. i dont want the whole cycle of disappointed glances to reccur like wat happened on fri.
haha.my maths teacher was showing her usual subtle disgruntled look which dont even pass off as browbeat.haha. shes so cute. she looks so helpless. ok fine. we three are her viable problematic students in her eyes. we didnt do her maths homework and she went on asking as to whether we know the meaning of "HOMEWORK". HAHHA.
of course we know. im sure she noes the meaning of "BIO SPA" too. hahha. k we are just cooking up age-old excuses.
the funniest part was when i even mastered the art of stoning when she was actually deploying a somewhat diplomatic remark to get us to do our hwk during the weekends.
"Gerls behind, i hope u noe the meaning of homework". n i stoned while staring at her ever so sweet face. n she looked back at me. for a countable no. of seconds before she looked down. n i looked down. i just stoned.
hahah. the other 2 girls just giggled away. we were supposed to be guilty. supposed to. but she was just so tamed n sweet for us to even start being volatile.
k i tried fiddling around with the html tags for my mp3 but it still aint working. im irritated so i settled down for the mp3 to play on an external player.
so enjoy.
its on my intro page. theres a link to it. n once u come to the hosted page, to keep the song playing.. right-click to choose to play on the real-player. it may take a while for the song to download. if u dont like to listen to the song then dont bother. :)
met up with my laughing goofball yesterdae. u noe wat dear, just dump him for good. serious. If hes such a thorn in ur delicate flesh or a stubborn thrombosis in ur crimson blood, just forget him. it will not be of ur loss. Ure entitled to ur own decisions. Theres nothing wrong with dumping someone who have no qualms at all bout lying and yet glues himself to u like a sludge. Hes no better than a moron. no better than a pimp.
Give no place in ur heart for the likes of him. for such putridity, filth. He doesnt noe how to appreciate the greatest side of you.
U'll always be my saccharine sweet friend. I'll be there whenevr u need me as ur listening ear, ur food eater, ur laughing goofball and most of all ur darling friend.

cant wait to watch Memoirs of a Geisha tis coming mon!!! Weeehhhooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Gerls!! Remember to bring ur moolahs!!! n ling su remember to bring more money for pencil case shoppin!!
I sit here clutching useless lists I crack my teeth on pearls I tear into the history Show me what it means to me in this world Yeah in this world' Cause I am due for a miracle I'm waiting for a sign I'll stare straight into the sun And I won't close my eyes Till I understand or go blind I see the parts but not the whole I study saints and scholars both No perfect plan unfurls Do I trust my heart or just my mind Why is truth so hard to find in this world Yeah in this world' Cause I am due for a miracle I'm waiting for a sign I'll stare straight into the sun And I won't close my eyes Till I understand or go blind (till I understand or go blind) I know that there's a point I've missed A shrine or stone I haven't kissed A scar that never graced my wrist A mirror that hasn't met my fist But I can't help feeling like I'm Due for a miracle I'm waiting for a sign (waiting for a sign) I'll stare straight into the sun And I won't close my eyes (and I won't close my eyes) Due for a miracle I'm waiting for a sign I'll stare straight into the sun And I won't close my eyes thrice- stare at the sun
Sometimes you are torn between the truth and lies, tt u cannot help thinking that miracles are all that uve got.
yesterday: it was a shocking revelation to noe tt i had an uncle with leprosy. All this while i tot that i had only those uncles whom ive acknowledged, laughed, cried and ignored. I never knew that he existed once in my life. Even then it was a short-lived existence.
he ever came to my grandma's house for a short visit. that was what my mum pointed out. i didnt even realise he actually came.
tts not the bottomline.
my mum was flipping the channels when she came across my uncle in tv1..a malaysian channel. it was featuring about the lives of those in the rehabilitation ctr for leprosy ppl. I was so in disbelief.
he mentioned something abt not wanting to trouble his family and tts why he chose to stay there despite of his recovery. in a matter of seconds my mum broke down to tears. haish..
i joined in. it was even sadder to noe tt hes not married. hes looking great in his mids.
now hes working there as he has no family of his own and found it pointless to come back for a family reunion. like he saed he didnt want to trouble the family.
this time my mum was shedding even more tears. She misses her brother. very much.
it was even painful to noe how long he had to put up in that rehabilitation ctr for yrs without any contact with the outside world or just simple gestures like hi or have u eaten frm other beings aside those in the ctr.
hours move to minutes, n ur seconds away, trying to avoid, n theres no doubt theres one thing i can do nothing at all.
all that are just distractions, im tired enough, retrace the steps as if we forgot, just ask the questions, pls say ure ok, n not falling frm grace.
reach out to be reached for, n there u lay forlorn, trying to avoid, the every truth, the every lies, tt life ushers.
seeking solace, in every turn, in every bend, only to come round, to where u began.
my emotional qoutient ranks highly of itself.
i cant stand Mr "cultured" Humpty-Dumpty nimore. He's got a bad humour and yet he tinks hes outrageously hilarious. Whatmore,he seems to revel in on all the supportive rolls of laughter everytime he turned into a roaring ball of joy which seemed to amuse a lot of ppl. Hurhur, how delightful. It is so annoying when he thinks tt his sarcasm and jokes are strikingly congenial. Heh. His jokes are in simple terms, LAME.
He has this very outlandish laughter, one tt seems to be reverberating from the stomach and this queer habit of brushing the bridge of his nose with his index finger. Its distracting. He takes a dig on Pulau Ubin as tho its London, not tt theres aniting to sae abt tis island at all. All i noe his favourite island of Pulau Ubin is a striking resemblance of his bald head.
He always brings us aboard to trips there while we 3 musketeers are still in our sub-conscious minds. Hes so utterly bothered by the underlying fact tt Lavender mrt stn is at Kallang and Kallang mrt stn is at Geylang. Afterwhich, he will take us on a rebound trip to another favourite island of his, the Jurong Industrial Island.
And then he will attempt to launch his probe into ppl's income taxes to prove his point on poverty.
How astonishingly prolific my GP lessons are going to be if this prolong. My GP grades are going to improve by leaps and bounds. Until now, hes still going on strong with his compre passage on city planning. after 2 weeks and 2 lessons in a wk. Until this mon.
I seriously feel tt he ever aspired to be an architect. But he was too cocky to be one. maybe tts why. niwae wat does city planning gotta do with poverty? or maybe hes still stuck in a jet lag back frm London. thinking the big clock on Trafalgar Square will stand still during his lessons. tt tentative test of urs is not gonna bring us all far. Ure wasting big time. Big time. as big as the clock on Trafalgar Square. as fast as all the watches in Switzerland ticks.
sometimes it doesnt take much to amuse. just by being jiggly and all fair, tt will do.
aww shes half my age now..piece of advice, relish watevr u have now before ur in the throes of adulthood. life seriously is a roller coaster ride dear..it is a fast dizzying game, its a parachute jump, its abt taking chanecs, falling over and getting up again, its mountaineering, its wanting to get to the very top of urself and to feel angry and dissatisfied when u dun manage it.
not to say tt im tt experienced myself nut what ive gone thru so far would be of use to u along the way.
then u will noe why ur darling sis here have to always scream at the top of her lungs to get u movin. it has always been for a good reason. I'll always pray for ur best.
im done with tt.
kae...celebrated my 3rd sis birthday todae. only one of the many friends she invited came. Thanks Yew Keong (pardon the spelling if its wrong)!! Thanks for the prezzie on my sis's behalf!! SHE LOVED IT!! haha
im still wonderin until now if ur really not of a mixed parentage or what...u look so malay dear..haha
kae my cute cousins came. their even cuter mothers (so as to sae my aunties) tag along. They broke the house down. literally. Gossip club at one end and play-dough playmates at the other. Watching the gossipers rambling on which seemed like eternity topped wit hand gestures and all and monkeys cooking up a ruckus drained us ya-yas out. So we settled with movie marathon. theres just too much happenings for more. haha.
Here are the pictures:
 yummy rummy tummy

started before my cousins came..they were too late
 my 4th sis joined in
 yew keong hazimah haziqah
 wiped out..bwahaha
 aww u guys were late for candle blowing
 evolution with loopholes here n there
my aunties are too cute to be cam whores so they are not included.
Ouh no..is tis how banal my life's gonna be for the next friggin 10 mths?? i feel as though im living in an ephemeral transition, waiting to transcend to somewhere alienated frm the sane. my insanity level is just hot on its heels. My life seemed to have lapsed again into the utter passivity of a staring child. Ppl-who-worship-competition-like-theres-no-tomorrow are driving me to the brink of temporary dementia.
They even have to make special appearances in my sleep-yanking their phenomenal a level certs straight in my face. I swear im gonna sleep with a decapitated barbie doll the next time you guys attempt to disrupt my pleasantries. That will scare the shit out of you and to learn to never be the culprits again. That doll is so gonna stare you hard and make sure you guys are obliterated from my every living brain cells. Bwahaha..heed that..
Its worse enuff gettin a new principal with a 3-dimensional attitude about success. Socks have to be higher than the ankles?? Are u tryin to immerse some harajuku attributes into our school?? i hope not. ive nvr been too pleased with harajukus. Double whammy.
Its barely a full week and im having tis fenced-in feeling within me. I feel enclosed in my own space. I feel so intimidated. Should tis feeling persist i duno n i will nvr noe until i get my confidence back. until i wholly own it once again and its rightfully mine. i tink im losing every bit of my brain content like every other day. Swim-alone-or-sink- circumstances are supposed to hunker me down to work but its proving the reverse. im probably jaded. maybe tt wraps it all. The worst part of it all is tis is inevitable until i rest my bum on the hot chair for a levels. That will be my glorious moment. Ever.
was on tenterhooks the whole morning thinkin of my appeal to s05..n finally i got it! A million thank-yous to MS LEE!! It was so nice of you to even help me appeal n got it without a word..
Or else i wouldnt noe wat would have become of me by the end of the day..stranded alone in a foreign dungeon brimming with "dragons" all waiting to gobble tis puny "rabbit".
But the situation in s05 wasnt any better either..haha..brimming with mugtoads.. They are seriously efficient switcheroos when it comes to work. One moment they were sniggering, giggling and laffing away..though most of the time i just dun get the things tt tickles them..but the next they would be shuffling their papers showing how they had actually completed their work. Just when you thot they were another bunch of slackers..how irritating is tt...feigning "coolness"..OMIGAWD
They are those with A's, B's or worse comes to worse mediocre C's already in their bags. No big deal since it's a value added class. They were even going abt their business (which is hwk in tis case) during recess. I almost freaked out. Its not a normal sight in pjc over the past few years. Haha probably tts why.
The most irritating part abt these ppl is their unscrupulous mugging..Seriously, theres no need for tt all..i tot it was childish. hah.
They are invariably scary to be precise. Here i am hell-bent for disaster, n i have to deal the sights of introverted mugheads.
Things aint the same anymore. J2 peeps left the school. I feel like i am fleeting throughout the school and not getting to see them during breaks feel so awkward. We retainees are all that's left of the rabbit year legacy in tt school..the three of us feel so void..like theres nothing to look forward to other than laffing among ourselves.hha
haish after a yr then only we feel the retribution of our own doings. It didnt feel so bad the yr b4 but now its like looming on our shoulders. All the work and ppl leaving the school is just too much to bear..
Thanks a lot fiqah for the call u made like just nw..i needed it to wake miself up to complete my hols assignments..hahha..(guilty confession) im nt using u, reallie..heh.. n oso for the freaky shrieks tt i lend my ears to..they really perked me up..so much better than caffeine peps. u really have a knack for this kind of tings arh..i'll need u rite b4 a levels!!
Let's shed the 2005 skin and start 2006 on a brand new slate. I'm penning down my new year's resolutions for my own referrals.
1. Gear in for a hell-bound ride to A' Levels. I heavenly hope to get 3B's at the very least. Obviously wishing for better. But for now tt will do. Oh God, u will have to see the immense effort im gonna put in for tis one. Never-before-seen -footage. No worries, ur creation here is not threatening you. She noes her limits.
2. Pray more fervently. The Tsunami disaster on the 26th of dec 2004 which happened on an unprecedented scale has taught me to be a better person. Every moment is a moment closer to death(k im not turnin morbid here just more wary). So before its too late, i want my sins to be atoned for. and be closer to God in any means possible. pls dont laugh ur balls out. hah. im dead serious.
3. Bank in on loose change every day. I hate the feeling of being demotivated by empty pockets whenevr the need arises. Thanks to my extravagant spending when it comes to wardrobe fix. That will have to wait for now. I need money for a new phone and an mp3. Preferably an ipod but i dont want to wish too soon. haha. It cost a bomb. To save up might cost me a lifetime.
4. Never be selfish. Thanks a kerzillion to my darling dad, I didnt have to go on a strike for this new comp after listening to a whole list of why- i- need -the- comp.He's so thoughtful..niwae arent dads suppose to be?? haha. I've began to realise how i always want things my way in the house tt it affect other ppl adversely especially my parents. So much so tt im the influential body in the house. I like all the attention but i feel they are giving me too much tt im depriving others of it. I feel guilty. I am guilty of an unseen crime.
5. Get a new haircut. This retro hairdo of mine is killing me!!
6. Stay healthy. I wanna be toned up. I look too straight, literally. Something need to b done. Like push-ups, sit-ups n morning jogs on weekends. Somewhere there.
7. Last but not least, pls in heaven's name budge your fingers from the comp and get crackin. It's time for ur beck n call. PLS DO UR ASSIGNMENTS AND TUTORIALS!!
8. Stop talkin to myself. haha. Nah i dont do tis kind of thing all the tyme.
By post:
an addiction that carries me thru the night.
recuperating from my blog lag
hope i'll still be sane once upon the slivers of s...
when unlike poles repel and mr maslow was all wrong
close your mouth mr hippotamus
buying youth?
here comes nothing.first SHIT : I MISSED LIFEHOUSE...
at this juncture, im young no more.my oh my, what ...
oooh...my blog's getting too wordy. i think i shou...
How much longer do i have to wait for greater thin...
By month:
July 2005
August 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
February 2007
December 2007
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
May 2009
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger
shes wishing she could just be those sliver of stars that will embrace the skies and shine the dulls of the night
shes wishing she could obliterate the memories bad and fugly
shes wishing she could be the one to throw the universe off kilter
shes wishing she could be the lover that drank every word and gesture and hold on to intensity long enuff
 Adopted Trees.