so here it is, ive changed my blog temporarily to this one till i get to create my own. the HTML codes are easier to decipher than the previous one and this very much explains the need to change.
i like simplicity in every sense of the word. and this looks simple enuff for my tastebuds.
i cannot help it but feel that somebody's been trying hard to get my attention.
im not trying to be paranoid over here but i just feel that you dont even know me at all.
yeah maybe ive been sending the wrong signals across but sometimes it helps a great deal if u guys just stop assuming. im already finding it hard to avoid unnecessary people in my life, so please make things easier for me.
thats one of the departments u guys never fail to fail in. your unduly power to assume things that never existed in the first place.
Even if im looking, im a tasteful dreamer. unless my dreams choose to have u in it, then u are not in. but on the upside, im fickle.
lets just put it this way. ive been busy with many, many and many upcoming events in my life. And still is. lots of upheavals in my disposal too. and always are.
And am still very happy being promiscuous with my darling abby caddabys.
There is still room for infinity. I LOVE MY OLD, NEW AND FUTURE FRIENDS.
When True Love stays aside of any human 's life...
loneliness takes the place prolonging nights and days.
When True Love is not near, what song you use to hear?
what means time and space? which are the special days?
When Love remains so far and you resemble tire,
to whom you will require? where will be your desire?
When True Love is abide with whom you can comply?
Who will respond your call and hear you at all?
When True Love stays inside the soul enjoys it's truthfulness
you hear His voice reply; your heart remains rely.
When True Love overflows something makes your face glows;
Love enjoys your free soul looking at the Great Goal.
When True Love states His kingdom you recover the reason;
you retrieve your lost smile; yours becomes a new life.
When True Love really arrives never you will be abide;
you will live in Victory since you are seeing His Glory.
Gifted is he, the king of his own destiny. Leading the blind to the land of the free.
so here it is, ive changed my blog temporarily to this one till i get to create my own. the HTML codes are easier to decipher than the previous one and this very much explains the need to change.
i like simplicity in every sense of the word. and this looks simple enuff for my tastebuds.
i cannot help it but feel that somebody's been trying hard to get my attention.
im not trying to be paranoid over here but i just feel that you dont even know me at all.
yeah maybe ive been sending the wrong signals across but sometimes it helps a great deal if u guys just stop assuming. im already finding it hard to avoid unnecessary people in my life, so please make things easier for me.
thats one of the departments u guys never fail to fail in. your unduly power to assume things that never existed in the first place.
Even if im looking, im a tasteful dreamer. unless my dreams choose to have u in it, then u are not in. but on the upside, im fickle.
lets just put it this way. ive been busy with many, many and many upcoming events in my life. And still is. lots of upheavals in my disposal too. and always are.
And am still very happy being promiscuous with my darling abby caddabys.
There is still room for infinity. I LOVE MY OLD, NEW AND FUTURE FRIENDS.
When True Love stays aside of any human 's life...
loneliness takes the place prolonging nights and days.
When True Love is not near, what song you use to hear?
what means time and space? which are the special days?
When Love remains so far and you resemble tire,
to whom you will require? where will be your desire?
When True Love is abide with whom you can comply?
Who will respond your call and hear you at all?
When True Love stays inside the soul enjoys it's truthfulness
you hear His voice reply; your heart remains rely.
When True Love overflows something makes your face glows;
Love enjoys your free soul looking at the Great Goal.
When True Love states His kingdom you recover the reason;
you retrieve your lost smile; yours becomes a new life.
When True Love really arrives never you will be abide;
you will live in Victory since you are seeing His Glory.
Gifted is he, the king of his own destiny. Leading the blind to the land of the free.
By post:
an addiction that carries me thru the night.
recuperating from my blog lag
hope i'll still be sane once upon the slivers of s...
when unlike poles repel and mr maslow was all wrong
close your mouth mr hippotamus
buying youth?
here comes nothing.first SHIT : I MISSED LIFEHOUSE...
at this juncture, im young no more.my oh my, what ...
oooh...my blog's getting too wordy. i think i shou...
How much longer do i have to wait for greater thin...
By month:
July 2005
August 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
February 2007
December 2007
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
May 2009
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger
shes wishing she could just be those sliver of stars that will embrace the skies and shine the dulls of the night
shes wishing she could obliterate the memories bad and fugly
shes wishing she could be the one to throw the universe off kilter
shes wishing she could be the lover that drank every word and gesture and hold on to intensity long enuff
 Adopted Trees.